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RFD wagons in front of the Avon Post Office
Category: post Listing Date: 2014-07-11
Rural Free Delivery
Rural Free Delivery (RFD) is a service which began in the United States in the late 19th century, to deliver mail directly to rural farm families. The first rural route in South Dakota began from the Post Office in Ellis, SD on May 1, 1899. A route from the Tyndall South Dakota PO began on December 15, 1903 and from Springfield, SD on May 16, 1904.The photo shows the RFD wagons in front of the Avon Post Office. Notice the Avon Clarion Sign as well as Berends Boots and Shoes. Wouldn't it be interesting to identify those in the photo?
Another early photo of the Post Office can be seen in the Avon History by Sunshyne Thaler.
Posted with keywords: rural, free, delivery, horses, mail, post office, avon, avonsd, clarion, berends, south dakota,