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Dr. John C. Greenfield House
Category: post Listing Date: 2018-10-21
Greenfield House
If you grew up in Avon South Dakota or even if you lived there briefly, you undoubtedly remember the large Queen Anne house a couple of block west of Main Street. It was the home of Dr. John C. Greenfield. In its day, and even now, this house is really something to behold.
- Added to National Register of Historic Places in 1989.
- Avon South Dakota - Bon Homme County
- Greenfield, Dr. John C., House (added 1989 - District - #89001717)
- Also known as BO-AV-AV-1
- 307 W. First St., Avon
- Historic Significance: Architecture/Engineering
- Architect, builder, or engineer: Lewis,Joe, Busher,N.E.
- Architectural Style: Queen Anne
- Area of Significance: Architecture
- Period of Significance: 1900-1924
- Owner: Private
- Historic Function: Domestic
- Historic Sub-function: Single Dwelling
- Current Function: Domestic
- Current Sub-function: Single Dwelling
Posted with keywords: historic, house, home, avon, avonsd, south dakota, greenfield, doctor,