Town News

The Annual Water Quality Report Access to clean, safe drinking water is a fundamental necessity for any community, and Avon takes its commitment to providing top-quality water seriously. The annual Water Quality Report for 2023 highlights the town’s dedication to ensuring that its residents have access to clean and reliable water, meeting or exceeding all federal and state water quality standards.

Avon primarily relies on groundwater sources for its drinking water supply. These sources are regularly monitored and tested to ensure that the water meets or surpasses established quality benchmarks. Groundwater is a sustainable and dependable source of water for the community.

The Avon Water Department continually monitors the water supply for a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, chemicals, and heavy metals. Rigorous testing is conducted throughout the year to identify and address any potential issues promptly.

We are proud to report that in 2023, Avon’s drinking water met all federal and state regulations without any violations. Our commitment to water quality is unwavering, and we consistently adhere to strict standards to safeguard public health.

Avon conducts regular monitoring for lead and copper levels in our water supply. The results from recent tests show that our water remains well within the allowable limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We also provide guidance on steps residents can take to minimize lead exposure in their homes, such as flushing the tap before use.

To further protect our water supply, Avon participates in source water assessments. These assessments help identify potential sources of contamination and guide efforts to prevent pollutants from entering our water sources.

Our water treatment process includes disinfection to ensure the elimination of harmful microorganisms. We also optimize water pH to minimize corrosion and protect the distribution system.

The Water Quality Report provides detailed data on the various parameters tested throughout the year. Residents can review information on turbidity, total organic carbon, disinfection byproducts, and more. This transparent reporting ensures that our community is well-informed about the safety and quality of our drinking water.

Avon encourages community involvement in safeguarding our water supply. Residents are welcome to attend public meetings to discuss water quality and offer input. Together, we can work to protect and preserve our vital water resources.

Avon is committed to delivering clean, safe, and reliable drinking water to our residents. Our annual Water Quality Report for 2023 demonstrates our dedication to upholding the highest water quality standards. By continuously monitoring, testing, and complying with regulations, we ensure that our community has access to water that not only meets but exceeds safety requirements. Our commitment to transparency and community engagement ensures that residents are well-informed about the quality of their drinking water. Avon remains steadfast in its mission to provide top-quality water services to our community, now and in the future.

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