Town News

Avon, South Dakota – Proper waste handling is not only essential for maintaining a clean and healthy environment but also for ensuring the well-being of our community. In Avon, we take waste management seriously, and residents play a crucial role in making our town a cleaner and more sustainable place to live. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to responsibly handle waste in Avon.

1. Understand Local Guidelines

Start by familiarizing yourself with Avon’s waste management guidelines and regulations. These may include collection schedules, recycling programs, and rules for disposing of specific items. Information is often available on the official town website or through local government offices.

2. Separate Recyclables

Avon encourages residents to recycle as much as possible. Separate recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and aluminum cans from regular household waste. Most recycling materials are collected separately and sent to recycling facilities.

3. Use Designated Containers

For regular household waste, use the designated garbage containers provided by the town or waste management company. These containers are typically picked up on scheduled collection days. Do not overfill them, and make sure the lids are securely closed to prevent littering.

4. Properly Bag Trash

When disposing of garbage in your containers, use trash bags to contain waste. This helps keep the containers clean and prevents loose debris from blowing around on windy days. Read Also: Avon Water Quality Report 2023

5. Compost Yard Waste

Avon often encourages residents to compost yard waste like leaves, grass clippings, and small branches. Composting can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and create nutrient-rich compost for gardening.

6. Handle Hazardous Waste Responsibly

Dispose of hazardous materials, such as paints, chemicals, batteries, and electronic waste, properly. Avon may organize special collection events or have designated drop-off locations for these items. Do not put hazardous materials in regular trash bins.

7. Reduce Single-Use Plastics

Consider reducing your consumption of single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and disposable containers. Opt for reusable alternatives to help minimize plastic waste.

8. Participate in Community Programs

Avon often hosts community programs and events related to waste management and recycling. Attend these events to learn more about responsible waste handling and disposal.

9. Report Illegal Dumping

If you witness illegal dumping or improper disposal of waste in public areas, report it to the local authorities. Keeping our community clean is a collective effort, and reporting violations helps maintain a clean and safe environment for all.

10. Educate and Encourage

Share your knowledge about responsible waste handling with your neighbors and friends. Encourage them to participate in recycling programs and adopt eco-friendly practices.

By following these guidelines and working together as a community, we can all contribute to making Avon a cleaner, more sustainable, and more environmentally friendly place to live. Responsible waste handling is not just a duty; it’s a commitment to the well-being of our town and future generations.

From Ripley until I came through Pyrford I was in the valley of the Wey, and the red glare was hidden from me. As I ascended the little hill beyond Pyrford Church the glare came into view again, and the trees about me shivered with the first intimation of the storm that was upon me. Then I heard midnight pealing out from Pyrford Church behind me, and then came the silhouette of Maybury Hill, with its tree-tops and roofs black and sharp against the red.

Even as I beheld this a lurid green glare lit the road about me and showed the distant woods towards Addlestone. I felt a tug at the reins. I saw that the driving clouds had been pierced as it were by a thread of green fire, suddenly lighting their confusion and falling into the field to my left. It was the third falling star!

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